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Fix PostGreSQL Database Hung During Drop or Alter Tables
You may find yourself in a situation where Postgres decides to stop responding after an Alter or Drop command was given in PGAdmin. This can be corrected by using the following commands below.
Shell into Postgres:
Select data from the pg_stat_activity table.
SELECT pid, now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start AS duration, query, state FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE (now() - pg_stat_activity.query_start) > interval '5 minutes';
Kill the zombie process after getting the PID exit Postgres and run:
sudo kill -9 <ProcessID>
Adding Buefy Autocomplete Quick Start
Input box in <template>:
Input box in <template>:
<b-autocomplete v-model="testGrader" placeholder="Grader Name" :data="filteredDataArray" > </b-autocomplete>
created() { this.getAllGraders(); this.filteredGraders(); },
filteredDataArray() { return this.gradersArray.filter(option => option .toString() .toLowerCase() .indexOf(this.testGrader.toLowerCase()) >= 0); },
data() { return { graderList: [], gradersArray: [], }; }
Method (Get Data From Store):
methods: { getAllGraders() { this.graderList = this.$store.state.graders; }, filteredGraders() { this.graderList.forEach((data) => { if (data !== null) { this.gradersArray.push(data); } }); }, }
Sample data from $store:
[null,"Madge Calbreath","Jacquenette Romera","Frazier Harvison","Kennith Perford","Flory Castiglione","Kerri Fedoronko","Beauregard Northgraves","Terrel Giraths","Kenton Lickorish","Egbert Mallya","Axel Aldwich","Bria Rames","joe","Rhoda Lordon","Durant Shalliker","Christophorus Woodhouse","Creight Lennox","Gardiner Lauret","Rasia MacConneely","Shelby Antoniewski"]
OpenShift Commonly Used Commands
oc login <urlWithToken>
Select project/namespace:
oc project <projectname>
Get all pods in a project
oc get pods
Port Forward a pod to localhost
oc port-forward <pod>
View logs of a pod
oc logs <pod>
Show status of a current project
oc status
Add users to namespace/project
oc adm policy add-role-to-group edit ocp_devs -n <project-namespace>
Copy File To Pod/Container
oc rsync <source> <destination>
Import Images to OpenShift
oc import-image <image> --from=<> --confirm
Image Stream Triggers (Mitch Murphey)
oc import-image <org>/<image>:<tag> --from=<> --confirm oc new-app --docker-image=<org>/<image>:<tag> oc set triggers dc/<image> --from-image=<org>/<image>:<tag> --auto=True -c=<image>
Link builder secrets (env)
oc secrets link builder openshift-private-ssh
oc new-app --source-secret openshift-private-ssh --name fe-clientside